White women's desire, in harmony with the clothes worn in the spotlight of the adam. Not hard to actually care for the skin to tetep beautiful, smooth, white and dazzling. The answer is only treatment. Asian continent, is a continent rich in tribal culture and skin color. Mainland China and Japan is famous for its clean white skin and skin beauty. Many thought may memmakai class cosmetics expensive to maintain and care for their beautiful skin. Make no mistake, Japanese women were more like traditional skin care like the ancestor of our gorgeous recipes dahulu.Mau know their skin? Let's find out the tips below.

By Ketan rice, an ingredient which is easily available in the market and the price is relatively cheap. This material was also popular in treating skin of Japanese women. Why can? Many who may not believe it! So on and follow the way he certainly proved to be more easily and understand. Simply by using sticky rice and cloth,,, etc., plus the patience and forbearance. You want to imitate Japanese women skin care skin at an economical price and practical.


     Glutinous rice should be washed once a minute and drain. But do not get soaked in water, the goal is only to remove dirt from the glutinous rice.
     Enter the glutinous rice in a pouch made ​​of satin and cotton fabric.
     Pound the rice slowly until halus.perhatiaan, not to damage that can lead to pockets of rice scattered everywhere.
     Immerse the bag containing rice mashed into warm water. Let stand for how many minutes, or until the change as the breast milk.
     Rub the bag of rice merata.Diamkan up to 2 minutes.
     Rinse with cold water.
     After use, do not waste the rice bag. because the collision of rice can be used up to 2-3 times of usage. Simply hang the bag in a dry and away from sunlight.

Beautiful Japanese girls pictures collection

Beautiful Japanese girls pictures collection Cute and allure. This girl is Miyu Inamori the new face in this blog she is in school gym suit.