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Sexy Battle Girls (狙われた学園、制服を襲う, Nerawareta gakuen: seifuku o osou?) is a Japanese Pink film directed by Mototsugu Watanabe and starring Kyoko Hashimoto, Hotaru Yukijiro and Yutaka Ikejima.

the first release of this film is June 1986. The first appearance in the United States was at the San Francisco Independent film festival on February 14, 2009. The film was released on DVD in the United States on February 23, 2009.

A high school girl, Mirai gets transferred to a private school for her father's order. She gets a new friend, but she finds out the evil deed the school master is doing to the school students, which is to supply young bodies to rich politicians. Moreover, the school's headmaster has taken her mother away from her and her father. She undergoes special training, and fights her way to sweet revenge!


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